KOFOMI 2011                                  tonspuren

mittersill, austria 8.-18.9.2011      

long distance music   :    musicians with long distance heat

fernwaerme1     sylvie lacroix (flute)

fernwaerme2     julia purgina (viola)

fernwaerme3     katja cruz (voice)

fernwaerme4     wolfgang fuchs (turntable), mu-xuan li (voice), julia purgina (viola)

fernwaerme5     wolfgang fuchs (turntable)

mittersiller mixer  :   der mittersiller is a jodler, a song without words that i found in a little song book in the dining room; the musicians were recorded independantly of each other.

mittersiller1  :   37"
maria gstaettner(bassoon), julia purgina(viola), sylvie lacroix(flute) 

mittersiller2  :   37"
leo zogmayer (speaker), katja cruz (voice), konrad rennert(voice), maria gstaettner(bassoon)

mittersiller3  :   47"
maria gstaettner(basssoon), julia purgina(viola), sylvie lacroix(flute) / voices: katja cruz, konrad rennert, kurt hoerbst, lisi schnitzhofer, mu-xuan lin

almabtrieb  :   4'33

Early on Saturday morning, it was my last day at the Kofomi residency in the Austrian alps, I helped with the "Almabtrieb": walking and running and shouting and hitting and talking and singng a herd of cows from the high alps back to the main farm house in the lower alps in preparation of winter.
   Recorded with binaural mics in the morning of September 17 2011 near Mittersill in Austria. This excerpt was recorded two hours into the four hour lasting walk... Shortly afterwards the cows entered a local high way and brought traffic to a halt for an hour confusing German tourists on their way home. When we had safely gotten the cows to the other side of the valley and off the main road the farmer's daughter and I both collapsed of pain and exhaustion at the side of the street. Someone came to pick us up and bring us home. That night we played a concert in Mittersill and two days later it snowed.

last but not least the soundtrack for a video by zdenek kveton
kartoffelsong fuer potatoheart

potatoheart by zdenek kveton is stop motion clip of a heart shaped potatoe growing roots and shrivelling up. the soundtrack kartoffelsong fuer potatoheart consists of snippets from a living room session with the band "white blue yellow and clouds" in berlin in 2003 (playing god only knows by the beach boys) mixed with recordings that were made during full moon near mittersill of natural radio waves and electric fences in 2011.


tonspuren versammelt von anne wellmer aka albert

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